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When I first signed up for a session at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, there was little online that I could find about what I might expect. So, I want to share what my two sessions were like. I attended in 2013 and 2015, and I would go every year if I could! It is a marvelous place with genuine and sharing people, fascinating instructors, and all in a beautiful setting. The main strip of Gatlinburg is a short walk away, but you wouldn't know it from the Arrowmont campus. Often in the evening to work off the fantastic (and thorough) meal, we'd walk the strip and see the sights (and try the whiskey).

In 2013, I took a class in sculptural botanicals and birds and butterfles with the amazing Kim Fields. Here are some photos from that time.

This is what a dorm room looks like in Hughes Hall. It's pretty college-dorm like. Lots of room and I shared a bathroom with one other person, who I only saw once! I saw some of the other accommodations and they were less 'institutionalized' but this was cheap and worked for me.

The flamework studio is here. Mega Minor torches with propane and oxygen tanks. The chairs are hard to sit on all day - we started bringing pillows from our rooms.

Here's my bench. It was so lovely here. Behind me are a row of windows looking out at the base of a hill. Green and beautiful.

At the base of the hill is main building with the office and numerous studios. This was a great sight to see in the mornings and the evenings! The Smoky Mountains are gorgeous.

Here are some of Kim Field's beads, she is incredible!:

And some advice on how to handle the wildlife!

Did I mention the food? It was unbelievable! They had a salad bar, and this was pork loin with sweet potatoes and sweet potato bread. The dessert was something crumbly and fruity and delicious (as always).

I hope this was helpful to see! Arrowmont is made of magic.

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